Upset sick young woman using tissues blowing her nose wrapped in a blanket while feeling sick with a bad cold or flu

Help! My House Has No Heat!

Do you own a 1 to 4-family house in New York City? Is your heating system broken or not working properly?

Winter is here and not being able to heat your home is a dangerous situation. It’s a safety hazard for homeowners and tenants. It can also lead to expensive damages like busted pipes.

As of October 1st, 2024, NYC homeowners with no working heat can apply for an annual New York State program called “HEAP HERR.” That’s an abbreviation for a long full name: “Home Energy Assistance Program Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement.”

HEAP HERR gives qualified homeowners up to $4,000 to repair a home’s main heating system, or up to $8,000 to replace a non-functioning heating system.

Applying to HEAP HERR is also a door that opens access to other home heating repair

The Bronx and Brooklyn Energy Hub can help you navigate HEAP HERR and other resources to make your home more energy efficient and comfortable.

Connect with us here to request a free consultation with an Energy Advisor. Or reach out by phone (1-859-636-3749) or email ( We can help!


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