3 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill

plugging power strip into wall

Ouch! Are you getting squeezed by your electricity bill? Here are three easy ways that both tenants and homeowners can reduce their electricity costs.

1. Unplug your electronics, or use a power strip with a switch.

When devices like computers or TVs are plugged in, they still use electricity, even when they’re turned off. This is called “standby power.”

You can reduce your standby power load by unplugging your electrical devices. Of course your refrigerator needs to stay plugged in, but items like a computer or coffee maker can be unplugged when you’re not using them.

You can also use a power strip with on/off switches. If you connect all of your devices to
a power strip and switch it off, the devices will be truly off.

2. Use ENERGY STAR rated products.

Many ENERGY STAR products are more efficient and use less electricity. Consider ENERGY STAR products when it’s time to replace items like TVs, clothes washers, and other appliances.

3. Replace conventional light bulbs with LEDs.

LED light bulbs use less energy and last longer than conventional light bulbs.

And you may also qualify for free LED light bulbs! Contact the non-profit Bronx and Brooklyn
Energy Hub
to learn more.

Our Energy Advisors can help you explore incentives and programs to make your home more
energy efficient. Click here to request a free consultation, or reach out by phone
(1-859-636-3749) or email (connect@bxbkenergyhub.org). We’re here to help!


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